Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity
{Scope} = require './scope'
{isUnassignable, JS_FORBIDDEN} = require './lexer'
包含语法树中所有节点类。大多数节点是在 语法 中的操作结果创建的,但有些节点是由其他节点创建的,作为代码生成的一种方法。要将语法树转换为 JavaScript 代码字符串,请在根节点上调用 compile()
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity
{Scope} = require './scope'
{isUnassignable, JS_FORBIDDEN} = require './lexer'
{compact, flatten, extend, merge, del, starts, ends, some,
addLocationDataFn, locationDataToString, throwSyntaxError} = require './helpers'
exports.extend = extend
exports.addLocationDataFn = addLocationDataFn
YES = -> yes
NO = -> no
THIS = -> this
NEGATE = -> @negated = not @negated; this
下面定义的各种节点都编译成一个 CodeFragment 对象集合。CodeFragments 是一个生成的代码块,以及代码来自源文件的所在位置。CodeFragments 可以通过将所有 CodeFragments 的 code
exports.CodeFragment = class CodeFragment
constructor: (parent, code) ->
@code = "#{code}"
@locationData = parent?.locationData
@type = parent?.constructor?.name or 'unknown'
toString: ->
"#{@code}#{if @locationData then ": " + locationDataToString(@locationData) else ''}"
将 CodeFragments 数组转换为字符串。
fragmentsToText = (fragments) ->
(fragment.code for fragment in fragments).join('')
Base 是语法树中所有节点的抽象基类。每个子类都实现了 compileNode
方法,该方法执行该节点的代码生成。要将节点编译为 JavaScript,请在其上调用 compile
,它将 compileNode
exports.Base = class Base
compile: (o, lvl) ->
fragmentsToText @compileToFragments o, lvl
compileToFragments: (o, lvl) ->
o = extend {}, o
o.level = lvl if lvl
node = @unfoldSoak(o) or this = o.indent
if o.level is LEVEL_TOP or not node.isStatement(o)
node.compileNode o
node.compileClosure o
compileClosure: (o) ->
if jumpNode = @jumps()
jumpNode.error 'cannot use a pure statement in an expression'
o.sharedScope = yes
func = new Code [], Block.wrap [this]
args = []
if (argumentsNode = @contains isLiteralArguments) or @contains isLiteralThis
args = [new ThisLiteral]
if argumentsNode
meth = 'apply'
args.push new IdentifierLiteral 'arguments'
meth = 'call'
func = new Value func, [new Access new PropertyName meth]
parts = (new Call func, args).compileNode o
if func.isGenerator or func.base?.isGenerator
parts.unshift @makeCode "(yield* "
parts.push @makeCode ")"
如果传递了 level
,则返回 [val, ref]
,其中 val
是编译后的引用。如果未传递 level
,则返回 [val, ref]
cache: (o, level, isComplex) ->
complex = if isComplex? then isComplex this else @isComplex()
if complex
ref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
sub = new Assign ref, this
if level then [sub.compileToFragments(o, level), [@makeCode(ref.value)]] else [sub, ref]
ref = if level then @compileToFragments o, level else this
[ref, ref]
cacheToCodeFragments: (cacheValues) ->
[fragmentsToText(cacheValues[0]), fragmentsToText(cacheValues[1])]
构造一个返回当前节点结果的节点。请注意,这将被覆盖以获得许多语句节点(例如 If、For)的更智能的行为。
makeReturn: (res) ->
me = @unwrapAll()
if res
new Call new Literal("#{res}.push"), [me]
new Return me
此节点或其任何子节点是否包含特定类型的节点?递归遍历子节点并返回第一个验证 pred
的节点。否则返回 undefined。contains
contains: (pred) ->
node = undefined
@traverseChildren no, (n) ->
if pred n
node = n
return no
lastNonComment: (list) ->
i = list.length
return list[i] while i-- when list[i] not instanceof Comment
节点的 toString
表示形式,用于检查解析树。这就是 coffee --nodes
toString: (idt = '', name = ->
tree = '\n' + idt + name
tree += '?' if @soak
@eachChild (node) -> tree += node.toString idt + TAB
将每个子节点传递给一个函数,当函数返回 false
eachChild: (func) ->
return this unless @children
for attr in @children when @[attr]
for child in flatten [@[attr]]
return this if func(child) is false
traverseChildren: (crossScope, func) ->
@eachChild (child) ->
recur = func(child)
child.traverseChildren(crossScope, func) unless recur is no
invert: ->
new Op '!', this
unwrapAll: ->
node = this
continue until node is node = node.unwrap()
children: []
isStatement : NO
jumps : NO
isComplex : YES
isChainable : NO
isAssignable : NO
isNumber : NO
unwrap : THIS
unfoldSoak : NO
assigns: NO
对于此节点及其所有后代,如果位置数据尚未设置,则将位置数据设置为 locationData
updateLocationDataIfMissing: (locationData) ->
return this if @locationData
@locationData = locationData
@eachChild (child) ->
child.updateLocationDataIfMissing locationData
抛出与此节点位置相关的 SyntaxError。
error: (message) ->
throwSyntaxError message, @locationData
makeCode: (code) ->
new CodeFragment this, code
wrapInBraces: (fragments) ->
[].concat @makeCode('('), fragments, @makeCode(')')
是一个片段数组。fragmentsList 中的每个数组将被连接在一起,并在每个数组之间添加 joinStr
joinFragmentArrays: (fragmentsList, joinStr) ->
answer = []
for fragments,i in fragmentsList
if i then answer.push @makeCode joinStr
answer = answer.concat fragments
或 try
exports.Block = class Block extends Base
constructor: (nodes) ->
@expressions = compact flatten nodes or []
children: ['expressions']
push: (node) ->
@expressions.push node
pop: ->
unshift: (node) ->
@expressions.unshift node
如果此 Block 仅包含一个节点,则通过将其拉回出来将其解开。
unwrap: ->
if @expressions.length is 1 then @expressions[0] else this
isEmpty: ->
not @expressions.length
isStatement: (o) ->
for exp in @expressions when exp.isStatement o
return yes
jumps: (o) ->
for exp in @expressions
return jumpNode if jumpNode = exp.jumps o
Block 节点不会返回其整个主体,而是确保返回最后一个表达式。
makeReturn: (res) ->
len = @expressions.length
while len--
expr = @expressions[len]
if expr not instanceof Comment
@expressions[len] = expr.makeReturn res
@expressions.splice(len, 1) if expr instanceof Return and not expr.expression
Block 是唯一可以作为根节点的节点。
compileToFragments: (o = {}, level) ->
if o.scope then super o, level else @compileRoot o
编译 Block 主体内的所有表达式。如果我们需要返回结果,并且它是一个表达式,则只需返回它。如果它是一个语句,则要求语句执行此操作。
compileNode: (o) ->
@tab = o.indent
top = o.level is LEVEL_TOP
compiledNodes = []
for node, index in @expressions
node = node.unwrapAll()
node = (node.unfoldSoak(o) or node)
if node instanceof Block
compiledNodes.push node.compileNode o
else if top
node.front = true
fragments = node.compileToFragments o
unless node.isStatement o
fragments.unshift @makeCode "#{@tab}"
fragments.push @makeCode ";"
compiledNodes.push fragments
compiledNodes.push node.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
if top
if @spaced
return [].concat @joinFragmentArrays(compiledNodes, '\n\n'), @makeCode("\n")
return @joinFragmentArrays(compiledNodes, '\n')
if compiledNodes.length
answer = @joinFragmentArrays(compiledNodes, ', ')
answer = [@makeCode "void 0"]
if compiledNodes.length > 1 and o.level >= LEVEL_LIST then @wrapInBraces answer else answer
如果我们碰巧是顶层 Block,则将所有内容包装在一个安全闭包中,除非要求不要这样做。最好不要在第一位生成它们,但现在,清理明显的双括号。
compileRoot: (o) ->
o.indent = if o.bare then '' else TAB
o.level = LEVEL_TOP
@spaced = yes
o.scope = new Scope null, this, null, o.referencedVars ? []
o.scope.parameter name for name in o.locals or []
prelude = []
unless o.bare
preludeExps = for exp, i in @expressions
break unless exp.unwrap() instanceof Comment
rest = @expressions[preludeExps.length...]
@expressions = preludeExps
if preludeExps.length
prelude = @compileNode merge(o, indent: '')
prelude.push @makeCode "\n"
@expressions = rest
fragments = @compileWithDeclarations o
return fragments if o.bare
[].concat prelude, @makeCode("(function() {\n"), fragments, @makeCode("\n}).call(this);\n")
compileWithDeclarations: (o) ->
fragments = []
post = []
for exp, i in @expressions
exp = exp.unwrap()
break unless exp instanceof Comment or exp instanceof Literal
o = merge(o, level: LEVEL_TOP)
if i
rest = @expressions.splice i, 9e9
[spaced, @spaced] = [@spaced, no]
[fragments, @spaced] = [@compileNode(o), spaced]
@expressions = rest
post = @compileNode o
{scope} = o
if scope.expressions is this
declars = o.scope.hasDeclarations()
assigns = scope.hasAssignments
if declars or assigns
fragments.push @makeCode '\n' if i
fragments.push @makeCode "#{@tab}var "
if declars
fragments.push @makeCode scope.declaredVariables().join(', ')
if assigns
fragments.push @makeCode ",\n#{@tab + TAB}" if declars
fragments.push @makeCode scope.assignedVariables().join(",\n#{@tab + TAB}")
fragments.push @makeCode ";\n#{if @spaced then '\n' else ''}"
else if fragments.length and post.length
fragments.push @makeCode "\n"
fragments.concat post
将给定的节点包装成一个 Block,除非它碰巧已经是其中之一。
@wrap: (nodes) ->
return nodes[0] if nodes.length is 1 and nodes[0] instanceof Block
new Block nodes
是静态值的基类,这些静态值可以直接传递到 JavaScript 中而无需翻译,例如:字符串、数字、true
exports.Literal = class Literal extends Base
constructor: (@value) ->
isComplex: NO
assigns: (name) ->
name is @value
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode @value]
toString: ->
" #{if @isStatement() then super else}: #{@value}"
exports.NumberLiteral = class NumberLiteral extends Literal
exports.InfinityLiteral = class InfinityLiteral extends NumberLiteral
compileNode: ->
[@makeCode '2e308']
exports.NaNLiteral = class NaNLiteral extends NumberLiteral
constructor: ->
super 'NaN'
compileNode: (o) ->
code = [@makeCode '0/0']
if o.level >= LEVEL_OP then @wrapInBraces code else code
exports.StringLiteral = class StringLiteral extends Literal
exports.RegexLiteral = class RegexLiteral extends Literal
exports.PassthroughLiteral = class PassthroughLiteral extends Literal
exports.IdentifierLiteral = class IdentifierLiteral extends Literal
isAssignable: YES
exports.PropertyName = class PropertyName extends Literal
isAssignable: YES
exports.StatementLiteral = class StatementLiteral extends Literal
isStatement: YES
makeReturn: THIS
jumps: (o) ->
return this if @value is 'break' and not (o?.loop or o?.block)
return this if @value is 'continue' and not o?.loop
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode "#{@tab}#{@value};"]
exports.ThisLiteral = class ThisLiteral extends Literal
constructor: ->
super 'this'
compileNode: (o) ->
code = if o.scope.method?.bound then o.scope.method.context else @value
[@makeCode code]
exports.UndefinedLiteral = class UndefinedLiteral extends Literal
constructor: ->
super 'undefined'
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode if o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS then '(void 0)' else 'void 0']
exports.NullLiteral = class NullLiteral extends Literal
constructor: ->
super 'null'
exports.BooleanLiteral = class BooleanLiteral extends Literal
exports.Return = class Return extends Base
constructor: (@expression) ->
children: ['expression']
isStatement: YES
makeReturn: THIS
jumps: THIS
compileToFragments: (o, level) ->
expr = @expression?.makeReturn()
if expr and expr not instanceof Return then expr.compileToFragments o, level else super o, level
compileNode: (o) ->
answer = []
TODO:如果我们在这里两次调用 expression.compile(),我们有时会得到不同的结果!
answer.push @makeCode @tab + "return#{if @expression then " " else ""}"
if @expression
answer = answer.concat @expression.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
answer.push @makeCode ";"
return answer
yield return
的工作方式与 return
exports.YieldReturn = class YieldReturn extends Return
compileNode: (o) ->
unless o.scope.parent?
@error 'yield can only occur inside functions'
exports.Value = class Value extends Base
constructor: (base, props, tag) ->
return base if not props and base instanceof Value
@base = base
@properties = props or []
@[tag] = true if tag
return this
children: ['base', 'properties']
add: (props) ->
@properties = @properties.concat props
hasProperties: ->
[email protected]
bareLiteral: (type) ->
not @properties.length and @base instanceof type
isArray : -> @bareLiteral(Arr)
isRange : -> @bareLiteral(Range)
isComplex : -> @hasProperties() or @base.isComplex()
isAssignable : -> @hasProperties() or @base.isAssignable()
isNumber : -> @bareLiteral(NumberLiteral)
isString : -> @bareLiteral(StringLiteral)
isRegex : -> @bareLiteral(RegexLiteral)
isUndefined : -> @bareLiteral(UndefinedLiteral)
isNull : -> @bareLiteral(NullLiteral)
isBoolean : -> @bareLiteral(BooleanLiteral)
isAtomic : ->
for node in @properties.concat @base
return no if node.soak or node instanceof Call
isNotCallable : -> @isNumber() or @isString() or @isRegex() or
@isArray() or @isRange() or @isSplice() or @isObject() or
@isUndefined() or @isNull() or @isBoolean()
isStatement : (o) -> not @properties.length and @base.isStatement o
assigns : (name) -> not @properties.length and @base.assigns name
jumps : (o) -> not @properties.length and @base.jumps o
isObject: (onlyGenerated) ->
return no if @properties.length
(@base instanceof Obj) and (not onlyGenerated or @base.generated)
isSplice: ->
[..., lastProp] = @properties
lastProp instanceof Slice
looksStatic: (className) ->
@base.value is className and @properties.length is 1 and
@properties[0].name?.value isnt 'prototype'
unwrap: ->
if @properties.length then this else @base
值)和名称部分。我们分别缓存它们以编译复杂表达式。a()[b()] ?= c
-> (_base = a())[_name = b()] ? _base[_name] = c
cacheReference: (o) ->
[..., name] = @properties
if @properties.length < 2 and not @base.isComplex() and not name?.isComplex()
return [this, this] # `a` `a.b`
base = new Value @base, @properties[...-1]
if base.isComplex() # `a().b`
bref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'base'
base = new Value new Parens new Assign bref, base
return [base, bref] unless name # `a()`
if name.isComplex() # `a[b()]`
nref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'name'
name = new Index new Assign nref, name.index
nref = new Index nref
[base.add(name), new Value(bref or base.base, [nref or name])]
我们通过编译和连接每个属性来将值编译为 JavaScript。如果属性链中穿插着浸泡运算符 ?.
compileNode: (o) ->
@base.front = @front
props = @properties
fragments = @base.compileToFragments o, (if props.length then LEVEL_ACCESS else null)
if props.length and SIMPLENUM.test fragmentsToText fragments
fragments.push @makeCode '.'
for prop in props
fragments.push (prop.compileToFragments o)...
将浸泡展开成一个 If
-> a.b if a?
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
@unfoldedSoak ?= do =>
if ifn = @base.unfoldSoak o @properties...
return ifn
for prop, i in @properties when prop.soak
prop.soak = off
fst = new Value @base, @properties[...i]
snd = new Value @base, @properties[i..]
if fst.isComplex()
ref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
fst = new Parens new Assign ref, fst
snd.base = ref
return new If new Existence(fst), snd, soak: on
CoffeeScript 将块注释作为 JavaScript 块注释传递到相同的位置。
exports.Comment = class Comment extends Base
constructor: (@comment) ->
isStatement: YES
makeReturn: THIS
compileNode: (o, level) ->
comment = @comment.replace /^(\s*)#(?=\s)/gm, "$1 *"
code = "/*#{multident comment, @tab}#{if '\n' in comment then "\n#{@tab}" else ''} */"
code = o.indent + code if (level or o.level) is LEVEL_TOP
[@makeCode("\n"), @makeCode(code)]
exports.Call = class Call extends Base
constructor: (@variable, @args = [], @soak) ->
@isNew = false
if @variable instanceof Value and @variable.isNotCallable()
@variable.error "literal is not a function"
children: ['variable', 'args']
在设置位置时,我们有时需要更新起始位置以考虑我们左侧新发现的 new
updateLocationDataIfMissing: (locationData) ->
if @locationData and @needsUpdatedStartLocation
@locationData.first_line = locationData.first_line
@locationData.first_column = locationData.first_column
base = @variable?.base or @variable
if base.needsUpdatedStartLocation
@variable.locationData.first_line = locationData.first_line
@variable.locationData.first_column = locationData.first_column
base.updateLocationDataIfMissing locationData
delete @needsUpdatedStartLocation
newInstance: ->
base = @variable?.base or @variable
if base instanceof Call and not base.isNew
@isNew = true
@needsUpdatedStartLocation = true
浸泡的链式调用展开成 if/else 三元结构。
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
if @soak
if this instanceof SuperCall
left = new Literal @superReference o
rite = new Value left
return ifn if ifn = unfoldSoak o, this, 'variable'
[left, rite] = new Value(@variable).cacheReference o
rite = new Call rite, @args
rite.isNew = @isNew
left = new Literal "typeof #{ left.compile o } === \"function\""
return new If left, new Value(rite), soak: yes
call = this
list = []
if call.variable instanceof Call
list.push call
call = call.variable
break unless call.variable instanceof Value
list.push call
break unless (call = call.variable.base) instanceof Call
for call in list.reverse()
if ifn
if call.variable instanceof Call
call.variable = ifn
call.variable.base = ifn
ifn = unfoldSoak o, call, 'variable'
compileNode: (o) ->
@variable?.front = @front
compiledArray = Splat.compileSplattedArray o, @args, true
if compiledArray.length
return @compileSplat o, compiledArray
compiledArgs = []
for arg, argIndex in @args
if argIndex then compiledArgs.push @makeCode ", "
compiledArgs.push (arg.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST)...
fragments = []
if this instanceof SuperCall
preface = @superReference(o) + ".call(#{@superThis(o)}"
if compiledArgs.length then preface += ", "
fragments.push @makeCode preface
if @isNew then fragments.push @makeCode 'new '
fragments.push @variable.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS)...
fragments.push @makeCode "("
fragments.push compiledArgs...
fragments.push @makeCode ")"
如果你使用 splat 调用一个函数,它将被转换为 JavaScript .apply()
调用,以允许传递一个参数数组。如果它是一个构造函数,那么事情会变得非常棘手。我们必须注入一个内部构造函数,以便能够传递 varargs。
splatArgs 是一个要放入“apply”中的 CodeFragments 数组。
compileSplat: (o, splatArgs) ->
if this instanceof SuperCall
return [].concat @makeCode("#{ @superReference o }.apply(#{@superThis(o)}, "),
splatArgs, @makeCode(")")
if @isNew
idt = @tab + TAB
return [].concat @makeCode("""
(function(func, args, ctor) {
#{idt}ctor.prototype = func.prototype;
#{idt}var child = new ctor, result = func.apply(child, args);
#{idt}return Object(result) === result ? result : child;
(@variable.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST),
@makeCode(", "), splatArgs, @makeCode(", function(){})")
answer = []
base = new Value @variable
if (name = and base.isComplex()
ref = o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
answer = answer.concat @makeCode("(#{ref} = "),
(base.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST),
fun = base.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_ACCESS
fun = @wrapInBraces fun if SIMPLENUM.test fragmentsToText fun
if name
ref = fragmentsToText fun
fun.push (name.compileToFragments o)...
ref = 'null'
answer = answer.concat fun
answer = answer.concat @makeCode(".apply(#{ref}, "), splatArgs, @makeCode(")")
负责将 super()
exports.SuperCall = class SuperCall extends Call
constructor: (args) ->
super null, args ? [new Splat new IdentifierLiteral 'arguments']
允许识别没有括号和参数的裸 super
@isBare = args?
superReference: (o) ->
method = o.scope.namedMethod()
if method?.klass
{klass, name, variable} = method
if klass.isComplex()
bref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.parent.freeVariable 'base'
base = new Value new Parens new Assign bref, klass
variable.base = base 0,
if name.isComplex() or (name instanceof Index and name.index.isAssignable())
nref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.parent.freeVariable 'name'
name = new Index new Assign nref, name.index name
accesses = [new Access new PropertyName '__super__']
accesses.push new Access new PropertyName 'constructor' if method.static
accesses.push if nref? then new Index nref else name
(new Value bref ? klass, accesses).compile o
else if method?.ctor
@error 'cannot call super outside of an instance method.'
调用的适当 this
superThis : (o) ->
method = o.scope.method
(method and not method.klass and method.context) or "this"
带有插值的正则表达式实际上只是 Call
(准确地说是 RegExp()
调用)的变体,其中包含 StringWithInterpolations
exports.RegexWithInterpolations = class RegexWithInterpolations extends Call
constructor: (args = []) ->
super (new Value new IdentifierLiteral 'RegExp'), args, false
exports.TaggedTemplateCall = class TaggedTemplateCall extends Call
constructor: (variable, arg, soak) ->
arg = new StringWithInterpolations Block.wrap([ new Value arg ]) if arg instanceof StringLiteral
super variable, [ arg ], soak
compileNode: (o) ->
告诉 StringWithInterpolations
是否以 ES2015 的方式编译;将在 CoffeeScript 2 中删除。
o.inTaggedTemplateCall = yes
@variable.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS).concat @args[0].compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST)
exports.Extends = class Extends extends Base
constructor: (@child, @parent) ->
children: ['child', 'parent']
compileToFragments: (o) ->
new Call(new Value(new Literal utility 'extend', o), [@child, @parent]).compileToFragments o
对值的属性进行 .
访问,或对对象的原型进行 ::
exports.Access = class Access extends Base
constructor: (@name, tag) ->
@soak = tag is 'soak'
children: ['name']
compileToFragments: (o) ->
name = @name.compileToFragments o
node = @name.unwrap()
if node instanceof PropertyName
if node.value in JS_FORBIDDEN
[@makeCode('["'), name..., @makeCode('"]')]
[@makeCode('.'), name...]
[@makeCode('['), name..., @makeCode(']')]
isComplex: NO
对数组或对象进行 [ ... ]
exports.Index = class Index extends Base
constructor: (@index) ->
children: ['index']
compileToFragments: (o) ->
[].concat @makeCode("["), @index.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN), @makeCode("]")
isComplex: ->
exports.Range = class Range extends Base
children: ['from', 'to']
constructor: (@from, @to, tag) ->
@exclusive = tag is 'exclusive'
@equals = if @exclusive then '' else '='
compileVariables: (o) ->
o = merge o, top: true
isComplex = del o, 'isComplex'
[@fromC, @fromVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments @from.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, isComplex
[@toC, @toVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments @to.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, isComplex
[@step, @stepVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments step.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, isComplex if step = del o, 'step'
@fromNum = if @from.isNumber() then Number @fromVar else null
@toNum = if @to.isNumber() then Number @toVar else null
@stepNum = if step?.isNumber() then Number @stepVar else null
在正常编译时,范围返回用于迭代范围中值的for 循环的内容。由推导使用。
compileNode: (o) ->
@compileVariables o unless @fromVar
return @compileArray(o) unless o.index
known = @fromNum? and @toNum?
idx = del o, 'index'
idxName = del o, 'name'
namedIndex = idxName and idxName isnt idx
varPart = "#{idx} = #{@fromC}"
varPart += ", #{@toC}" if @toC isnt @toVar
varPart += ", #{@step}" if @step isnt @stepVar
[lt, gt] = ["#{idx} <#{@equals}", "#{idx} >#{@equals}"]
condPart = if @stepNum?
if @stepNum > 0 then "#{lt} #{@toVar}" else "#{gt} #{@toVar}"
else if known
[from, to] = [@fromNum, @toNum]
if from <= to then "#{lt} #{to}" else "#{gt} #{to}"
cond = if @stepVar then "#{@stepVar} > 0" else "#{@fromVar} <= #{@toVar}"
"#{cond} ? #{lt} #{@toVar} : #{gt} #{@toVar}"
stepPart = if @stepVar
"#{idx} += #{@stepVar}"
else if known
if namedIndex
if from <= to then "++#{idx}" else "--#{idx}"
if from <= to then "#{idx}++" else "#{idx}--"
if namedIndex
"#{cond} ? ++#{idx} : --#{idx}"
"#{cond} ? #{idx}++ : #{idx}--"
varPart = "#{idxName} = #{varPart}" if namedIndex
stepPart = "#{idxName} = #{stepPart}" if namedIndex
[@makeCode "#{varPart}; #{condPart}; #{stepPart}"]
compileArray: (o) ->
known = @fromNum? and @toNum?
if known and Math.abs(@fromNum - @toNum) <= 20
range = [@fromNum..@toNum]
range.pop() if @exclusive
return [@makeCode "[#{ range.join(', ') }]"]
idt = @tab + TAB
i = o.scope.freeVariable 'i', single: true
result = o.scope.freeVariable 'results'
pre = "\n#{idt}#{result} = [];"
if known
o.index = i
body = fragmentsToText @compileNode o
vars = "#{i} = #{@fromC}" + if @toC isnt @toVar then ", #{@toC}" else ''
cond = "#{@fromVar} <= #{@toVar}"
body = "var #{vars}; #{cond} ? #{i} <#{@equals} #{@toVar} : #{i} >#{@equals} #{@toVar}; #{cond} ? #{i}++ : #{i}--"
post = "{ #{result}.push(#{i}); }\n#{idt}return #{result};\n#{o.indent}"
hasArgs = (node) -> node?.contains isLiteralArguments
args = ', arguments' if hasArgs(@from) or hasArgs(@to)
[@makeCode "(function() {#{pre}\n#{idt}for (#{body})#{post}}).apply(this#{args ? ''})"]
数组切片文字。与 JavaScript 的 Array#slice
exports.Slice = class Slice extends Base
children: ['range']
constructor: (@range) ->
被使用,因为并非所有实现都尊重 undefined
或 1/0
应该是安全的,因为 9e9
> 2**32
compileNode: (o) ->
{to, from} = @range
fromCompiled = from and from.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN) or [@makeCode '0']
TODO:jwalton - 将此移到“if”中?
if to
compiled = to.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
compiledText = fragmentsToText compiled
if not (not @range.exclusive and +compiledText is -1)
toStr = ', ' + if @range.exclusive
else if to.isNumber()
"#{+compiledText + 1}"
compiled = to.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_ACCESS
"+#{fragmentsToText compiled} + 1 || 9e9"
[@makeCode ".slice(#{ fragmentsToText fromCompiled }#{ toStr or '' })"]
exports.Obj = class Obj extends Base
constructor: (props, @generated = false) ->
@objects = @properties = props or []
children: ['properties']
compileNode: (o) ->
props = @properties
if @generated
for node in props when node instanceof Value
node.error 'cannot have an implicit value in an implicit object'
break for prop, dynamicIndex in props when (prop.variable or prop).base instanceof Parens
hasDynamic = dynamicIndex < props.length
idt = o.indent += TAB
lastNoncom = @lastNonComment @properties
answer = []
if hasDynamic
oref = o.scope.freeVariable 'obj'
answer.push @makeCode "(\n#{idt}#{oref} = "
answer.push @makeCode "{#{if props.length is 0 or dynamicIndex is 0 then '}' else '\n'}"
for prop, i in props
if i is dynamicIndex
answer.push @makeCode "\n#{idt}}" unless i is 0
answer.push @makeCode ',\n'
join = if i is props.length - 1 or i is dynamicIndex - 1
else if prop is lastNoncom or prop instanceof Comment
indent = if prop instanceof Comment then '' else idt
indent += TAB if hasDynamic and i < dynamicIndex
if prop instanceof Assign
if prop.context isnt 'object'
prop.operatorToken.error "unexpected #{prop.operatorToken.value}"
if prop.variable instanceof Value and prop.variable.hasProperties()
prop.variable.error 'invalid object key'
if prop instanceof Value and prop.this
prop = new Assign[0].name, prop, 'object'
if prop not instanceof Comment
if i < dynamicIndex
if prop not instanceof Assign
prop = new Assign prop, prop, 'object'
if prop instanceof Assign
key = prop.variable
value = prop.value
[key, value] = prop.base.cache o
key = new PropertyName key.value if key instanceof IdentifierLiteral
prop = new Assign (new Value (new IdentifierLiteral oref), [new Access key]), value
if indent then answer.push @makeCode indent
answer.push prop.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP)...
if join then answer.push @makeCode join
if hasDynamic
answer.push @makeCode ",\n#{idt}#{oref}\n#{@tab})"
answer.push @makeCode "\n#{@tab}}" unless props.length is 0
if @front and not hasDynamic then @wrapInBraces answer else answer
assigns: (name) ->
for prop in @properties when prop.assigns name then return yes
exports.Arr = class Arr extends Base
constructor: (objs) ->
@objects = objs or []
children: ['objects']
compileNode: (o) ->
return [@makeCode '[]'] unless @objects.length
o.indent += TAB
answer = Splat.compileSplattedArray o, @objects
return answer if answer.length
answer = []
compiledObjs = (obj.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST for obj in @objects)
for fragments, index in compiledObjs
if index
answer.push @makeCode ", "
answer.push fragments...
if fragmentsToText(answer).indexOf('\n') >= 0
answer.unshift @makeCode "[\n#{o.indent}"
answer.push @makeCode "\n#{@tab}]"
answer.unshift @makeCode "["
answer.push @makeCode "]"
assigns: (name) ->
for obj in @objects when obj.assigns name then return yes
CoffeeScript 类定义。使用其名称、可选的超类和原型属性赋值列表来初始化一个**类**。
exports.Class = class Class extends Base
constructor: (@variable, @parent, @body = new Block) ->
@boundFuncs = []
@body.classBody = yes
children: ['variable', 'parent', 'body']
defaultClassVariableName: '_Class'
determineName: ->
return @defaultClassVariableName unless @variable
[..., tail] =
node = if tail
tail instanceof Access and
unless node instanceof IdentifierLiteral or node instanceof PropertyName
return @defaultClassVariableName
name = node.value
unless tail
message = isUnassignable name
@variable.error message if message
if name in JS_FORBIDDEN then "_#{name}" else name
setContext: (name) ->
@body.traverseChildren false, (node) ->
return false if node.classBody
if node instanceof ThisLiteral
node.value = name
else if node instanceof Code
node.context = name if node.bound
addBoundFunctions: (o) ->
for bvar in @boundFuncs
lhs = (new Value (new ThisLiteral), [new Access bvar]).compile o
@ctor.body.unshift new Literal "#{lhs} = #{utility 'bind', o}(#{lhs}, this)"
addProperties: (node, name, o) ->
props =[..]
exprs = while assign = props.shift()
if assign instanceof Assign
base = assign.variable.base
delete assign.context
func = assign.value
if base.value is 'constructor'
if @ctor
assign.error 'cannot define more than one constructor in a class'
if func.bound
assign.error 'cannot define a constructor as a bound function'
if func instanceof Code
assign = @ctor = func
@externalCtor = o.classScope.freeVariable 'ctor'
assign = new Assign new IdentifierLiteral(@externalCtor), func
if assign.variable.this
func.static = yes
acc = if base.isComplex() then new Index base else new Access base
assign.variable = new Value(new IdentifierLiteral(name), [(new Access new PropertyName 'prototype'), acc])
if func instanceof Code and func.bound
@boundFuncs.push base
func.bound = no
compact exprs
walkBody: (name, o) ->
@traverseChildren false, (child) =>
cont = true
return false if child instanceof Class
if child instanceof Block
for node, i in exps = child.expressions
if node instanceof Assign and node.variable.looksStatic name
node.value.static = yes
else if node instanceof Value and node.isObject(true)
cont = false
exps[i] = @addProperties node, name, o
child.expressions = exps = flatten exps
cont and child not instanceof Class
use strict
hoistDirectivePrologue: ->
index = 0
{expressions} = @body
++index while (node = expressions[index]) and node instanceof Comment or
node instanceof Value and node.isString()
@directives = expressions.splice 0, index
ensureConstructor: (name) ->
if not @ctor
@ctor = new Code
if @externalCtor
@ctor.body.push new Literal "#{@externalCtor}.apply(this, arguments)"
else if @parent
@ctor.body.push new Literal "#{name}.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)"
@body.expressions.unshift @ctor
@ctor.ctor = = name
@ctor.klass = null
@ctor.noReturn = yes
我们没有直接生成 JavaScript 字符串,而是构建了等效的语法树并分段编译它。您可以在下面看到构造函数、属性赋值和继承的构建过程。
compileNode: (o) ->
if jumpNode = @body.jumps()
jumpNode.error 'Class bodies cannot contain pure statements'
if argumentsNode = @body.contains isLiteralArguments
argumentsNode.error "Class bodies shouldn't reference arguments"
name = @determineName()
lname = new IdentifierLiteral name
func = new Code [], Block.wrap [@body]
args = []
o.classScope = func.makeScope o.scope
@setContext name
@walkBody name, o
@ensureConstructor name
@addBoundFunctions o
@body.spaced = yes
@body.expressions.push lname
if @parent
superClass = new IdentifierLiteral o.classScope.freeVariable 'superClass', reserve: no
@body.expressions.unshift new Extends lname, superClass
func.params.push new Param superClass
args.push @parent
@body.expressions.unshift @directives...
klass = new Parens new Call func, args
klass = new Assign @variable, klass, null, { @moduleDeclaration } if @variable
klass.compileToFragments o
exports.ModuleDeclaration = class ModuleDeclaration extends Base
constructor: (@clause, @source) ->
children: ['clause', 'source']
isStatement: YES
jumps: THIS
makeReturn: THIS
checkSource: ->
if @source? and @source instanceof StringWithInterpolations
@source.error 'the name of the module to be imported from must be an uninterpolated string'
checkScope: (o, moduleDeclarationType) ->
if o.indent.length isnt 0
@error "#{moduleDeclarationType} statements must be at top-level scope"
exports.ImportDeclaration = class ImportDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration
compileNode: (o) ->
@checkScope o, 'import'
o.importedSymbols = []
code = []
code.push @makeCode "#{@tab}import "
code.push @clause.compileNode(o)... if @clause?
if @source?.value?
code.push @makeCode ' from ' unless @clause is null
code.push @makeCode @source.value
code.push @makeCode ';'
exports.ImportClause = class ImportClause extends Base
constructor: (@defaultBinding, @namedImports) ->
children: ['defaultBinding', 'namedImports']
compileNode: (o) ->
code = []
if @defaultBinding?
code.push @defaultBinding.compileNode(o)...
code.push @makeCode ', ' if @namedImports?
if @namedImports?
code.push @namedImports.compileNode(o)...
exports.ExportDeclaration = class ExportDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration
compileNode: (o) ->
@checkScope o, 'export'
code = []
code.push @makeCode "#{@tab}export "
code.push @makeCode 'default ' if @ instanceof ExportDefaultDeclaration
if @ not instanceof ExportDefaultDeclaration and
(@clause instanceof Assign or @clause instanceof Class)
if @clause instanceof Class and not @clause.variable
@clause.error 'anonymous classes cannot be exported'
当支持 ES2015 class
关键字时,不要在此处添加 var
code.push @makeCode 'var '
@clause.moduleDeclaration = 'export'
if @clause.body? and @clause.body instanceof Block
code = code.concat @clause.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
code = code.concat @clause.compileNode o
code.push @makeCode " from #{@source.value}" if @source?.value?
code.push @makeCode ';'
exports.ExportNamedDeclaration = class ExportNamedDeclaration extends ExportDeclaration
exports.ExportDefaultDeclaration = class ExportDefaultDeclaration extends ExportDeclaration
exports.ExportAllDeclaration = class ExportAllDeclaration extends ExportDeclaration
exports.ModuleSpecifierList = class ModuleSpecifierList extends Base
constructor: (@specifiers) ->
children: ['specifiers']
compileNode: (o) ->
code = []
o.indent += TAB
compiledList = (specifier.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST for specifier in @specifiers)
if @specifiers.length isnt 0
code.push @makeCode "{\n#{o.indent}"
for fragments, index in compiledList
code.push @makeCode(",\n#{o.indent}") if index
code.push fragments...
code.push @makeCode "\n}"
code.push @makeCode '{}'
exports.ImportSpecifierList = class ImportSpecifierList extends ModuleSpecifierList
exports.ExportSpecifierList = class ExportSpecifierList extends ModuleSpecifierList
exports.ModuleSpecifier = class ModuleSpecifier extends Base
constructor: (@original, @alias, @moduleDeclarationType) ->
@identifier = if @alias? then @alias.value else @original.value
children: ['original', 'alias']
compileNode: (o) ->
o.scope.find @identifier, @moduleDeclarationType
code = []
code.push @makeCode @original.value
code.push @makeCode " as #{@alias.value}" if @alias?
exports.ImportSpecifier = class ImportSpecifier extends ModuleSpecifier
constructor: (imported, local) ->
super imported, local, 'import'
compileNode: (o) ->
根据规范,符号不能多次导入(例如,import { foo, foo } from 'lib'
if @identifier in o.importedSymbols or o.scope.check(@identifier)
@error "'#{@identifier}' has already been declared"
o.importedSymbols.push @identifier
super o
exports.ImportDefaultSpecifier = class ImportDefaultSpecifier extends ImportSpecifier
exports.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = class ImportNamespaceSpecifier extends ImportSpecifier
exports.ExportSpecifier = class ExportSpecifier extends ModuleSpecifier
constructor: (local, exported) ->
super local, exported, 'export'
**赋值**用于将局部变量赋值给值,或设置对象的属性 - 包括在对象字面量中。
exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
constructor: (@variable, @value, @context, options = {}) ->
{@param, @subpattern, @operatorToken, @moduleDeclaration} = options
children: ['variable', 'value']
isStatement: (o) ->
o?.level is LEVEL_TOP and @context? and (@moduleDeclaration or "?" in @context)
checkAssignability: (o, varBase) ->
if, varBase.value) and
o.scope.variables[o.scope.positions[varBase.value]].type is 'import'
varBase.error "'#{varBase.value}' is read-only"
assigns: (name) ->
@[if @context is 'object' then 'value' else 'variable'].assigns name
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
unfoldSoak o, this, 'variable'
compileNode: (o) ->
if isValue = @variable instanceof Value
return @compilePatternMatch o if @variable.isArray() or @variable.isObject()
return @compileSplice o if @variable.isSplice()
return @compileConditional o if @context in ['||=', '&&=', '?=']
return @compileSpecialMath o if @context in ['**=', '//=', '%%=']
if @value instanceof Code
if @value.static
@value.klass = @variable.base =[0]
@value.variable = @variable
else if >= 2
[properties..., prototype, name] =
if is 'prototype'
@value.klass = new Value @variable.base, properties = name
@value.variable = @variable
unless @context
varBase = @variable.unwrapAll()
unless varBase.isAssignable()
@variable.error "'#{@variable.compile o}' can't be assigned"
unless varBase.hasProperties?()
可以是 'import'
或 'export'
if @moduleDeclaration
@checkAssignability o, varBase
o.scope.add varBase.value, @moduleDeclaration
else if @param
o.scope.add varBase.value, 'var'
@checkAssignability o, varBase
o.scope.find varBase.value
val = @value.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
@variable.front = true if isValue and @variable.base instanceof Obj
compiledName = @variable.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
if @context is 'object'
if fragmentsToText(compiledName) in JS_FORBIDDEN
compiledName.unshift @makeCode '"'
compiledName.push @makeCode '"'
return compiledName.concat @makeCode(": "), val
answer = compiledName.concat @makeCode(" #{ @context or '=' } "), val
if o.level <= LEVEL_LIST then answer else @wrapInBraces answer
compilePatternMatch: (o) ->
top = o.level is LEVEL_TOP
{value} = this
{objects} = @variable.base
unless olen = objects.length
code = value.compileToFragments o
return if o.level >= LEVEL_OP then @wrapInBraces code else code
[obj] = objects
if olen is 1 and obj instanceof Expansion
obj.error 'Destructuring assignment has no target'
isObject = @variable.isObject()
if top and olen is 1 and obj not instanceof Splat
defaultValue = null
if obj instanceof Assign and obj.context is 'object'
{variable: {base: idx}, value: obj} = obj
if obj instanceof Assign
defaultValue = obj.value
obj = obj.variable
if obj instanceof Assign
defaultValue = obj.value
obj = obj.variable
idx = if isObject
简写 {a, b, @c} = val
if obj.this[0].name
new PropertyName obj.unwrap().value
new NumberLiteral 0
acc = idx.unwrap() instanceof PropertyName
value = new Value value new (if acc then Access else Index) idx
message = isUnassignable obj.unwrap().value
obj.error message if message
value = new Op '?', value, defaultValue if defaultValue
return new Assign(obj, value, null, param: @param).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
vvar = value.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
vvarText = fragmentsToText vvar
assigns = []
expandedIdx = false
如果 vvar 还没有变成简单变量,就将其变成简单变量。
if value.unwrap() not instanceof IdentifierLiteral or @variable.assigns(vvarText)
assigns.push [@makeCode("#{ ref = o.scope.freeVariable 'ref' } = "), vvar...]
vvar = [@makeCode ref]
vvarText = ref
for obj, i in objects
idx = i
if not expandedIdx and obj instanceof Splat
name =
obj = obj.unwrap()
val = "#{olen} <= #{vvarText}.length ? #{ utility 'slice', o }.call(#{vvarText}, #{i}"
if rest = olen - i - 1
ivar = o.scope.freeVariable 'i', single: true
val += ", #{ivar} = #{vvarText}.length - #{rest}) : (#{ivar} = #{i}, [])"
val += ") : []"
val = new Literal val
expandedIdx = "#{ivar}++"
else if not expandedIdx and obj instanceof Expansion
if rest = olen - i - 1
if rest is 1
expandedIdx = "#{vvarText}.length - 1"
ivar = o.scope.freeVariable 'i', single: true
val = new Literal "#{ivar} = #{vvarText}.length - #{rest}"
expandedIdx = "#{ivar}++"
assigns.push val.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
if obj instanceof Splat or obj instanceof Expansion
obj.error "multiple splats/expansions are disallowed in an assignment"
defaultValue = null
if obj instanceof Assign and obj.context is 'object'
{variable: {base: idx}, value: obj} = obj
if obj instanceof Assign
defaultValue = obj.value
obj = obj.variable
if obj instanceof Assign
defaultValue = obj.value
obj = obj.variable
idx = if isObject
简写 {a, b, @c} = val
if obj.this[0].name
new PropertyName obj.unwrap().value
new Literal expandedIdx or idx
name = obj.unwrap().value
acc = idx.unwrap() instanceof PropertyName
val = new Value new Literal(vvarText), [new (if acc then Access else Index) idx]
val = new Op '?', val, defaultValue if defaultValue
if name?
message = isUnassignable name
obj.error message if message
assigns.push new Assign(obj, val, null, param: @param, subpattern: yes).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
assigns.push vvar unless top or @subpattern
fragments = @joinFragmentArrays assigns, ', '
if o.level < LEVEL_LIST then fragments else @wrapInBraces fragments
compileConditional: (o) ->
[left, right] = @variable.cacheReference o
if not and left.base instanceof Literal and
left.base not instanceof ThisLiteral and not o.scope.check left.base.value
@variable.error "the variable \"#{left.base.value}\" can't be assigned with #{@context} because it has not been declared before"
if "?" in @context
o.isExistentialEquals = true
new If(new Existence(left), right, type: 'if').addElse(new Assign(right, @value, '=')).compileToFragments o
fragments = new Op(@context[...-1], left, new Assign(right, @value, '=')).compileToFragments o
if o.level <= LEVEL_LIST then fragments else @wrapInBraces fragments
将像 a **= b
这样的特殊数学赋值运算符转换为等效的扩展形式 a = a ** b
compileSpecialMath: (o) ->
[left, right] = @variable.cacheReference o
new Assign(left, new Op(@context[...-1], right, @value)).compileToFragments o
使用 JavaScript 的 Array#splice
compileSplice: (o) ->
{range: {from, to, exclusive}} =
name = @variable.compile o
if from
[fromDecl, fromRef] = @cacheToCodeFragments from.cache o, LEVEL_OP
fromDecl = fromRef = '0'
if to
if from?.isNumber() and to.isNumber()
to = to.compile(o) - fromRef
to += 1 unless exclusive
to = to.compile(o, LEVEL_ACCESS) + ' - ' + fromRef
to += ' + 1' unless exclusive
to = "9e9"
[valDef, valRef] = @value.cache o, LEVEL_LIST
answer = [].concat @makeCode("[].splice.apply(#{name}, [#{fromDecl}, #{to}].concat("), valDef, @makeCode(")), "), valRef
if o.level > LEVEL_TOP then @wrapInBraces answer else answer
函数定义。这是唯一创建新作用域的节点。当为了遍历函数体的内容而进行时,代码没有子节点 - 它们在内部作用域中。
exports.Code = class Code extends Base
constructor: (params, body, tag) ->
@params = params or []
@body = body or new Block
@bound = tag is 'boundfunc'
@isGenerator = [email protected] (node) ->
(node instanceof Op and node.isYield()) or node instanceof YieldReturn
children: ['params', 'body']
isStatement: -> !!@ctor
jumps: NO
makeScope: (parentScope) -> new Scope parentScope, @body, this
编译创建新作用域,除非明确要求与外部作用域共享。通过窥视 JavaScript arguments
对象来处理参数列表中的 splat 参数。如果函数使用 =>
箭头绑定,则生成一个包装器,该包装器通过闭包保存 this
compileNode: (o) ->
if @bound and o.scope.method?.bound
@context = o.scope.method.context
if @bound and not @context
@context = '_this'
wrapper = new Code [new Param new IdentifierLiteral @context], new Block [this]
boundfunc = new Call(wrapper, [new ThisLiteral])
boundfunc.updateLocationDataIfMissing @locationData
return boundfunc.compileNode(o)
o.scope = del(o, 'classScope') or @makeScope o.scope
o.scope.shared = del(o, 'sharedScope')
o.indent += TAB
delete o.bare
delete o.isExistentialEquals
params = []
exprs = []
for param in @params when param not instanceof Expansion
o.scope.parameter param.asReference o
for param in @params when param.splat or param instanceof Expansion
for p in @params when p not instanceof Expansion and
o.scope.add, 'var', yes
splats = new Assign new Value(new Arr(p.asReference o for p in @params)),
new Value new IdentifierLiteral 'arguments'
for param in @params
if param.isComplex()
val = ref = param.asReference o
val = new Op '?', ref, param.value if param.value
exprs.push new Assign new Value(, val, '=', param: yes
ref = param
if param.value
lit = new Literal + ' == null'
val = new Assign new Value(, param.value, '='
exprs.push new If lit, val
params.push ref unless splats
wasEmpty = @body.isEmpty()
exprs.unshift splats if splats
@body.expressions.unshift exprs... if exprs.length
for p, i in params
params[i] = p.compileToFragments o
o.scope.parameter fragmentsToText params[i]
uniqs = []
@eachParamName (name, node) ->
node.error "multiple parameters named #{name}" if name in uniqs
uniqs.push name
@body.makeReturn() unless wasEmpty or @noReturn
code = 'function'
code += '*' if @isGenerator
code += ' ' + @name if @ctor
code += '('
answer = [@makeCode(code)]
for p, i in params
if i then answer.push @makeCode ", "
answer.push p...
answer.push @makeCode ') {'
answer = answer.concat(@makeCode("\n"), @body.compileWithDeclarations(o), @makeCode("\n#{@tab}")) unless @body.isEmpty()
answer.push @makeCode '}'
return [@makeCode(@tab), answer...] if @ctor
if @front or (o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS) then @wrapInBraces answer else answer
eachParamName: (iterator) ->
param.eachName iterator for param in @params
短路 traverseChildren
方法,以防止它跨越作用域边界,除非 crossScope
为 true
traverseChildren: (crossScope, func) ->
super(crossScope, func) if crossScope
函数定义中的参数。除了典型的 JavaScript 参数之外,这些参数还可以附加到函数的上下文,以及成为 splat,将一组参数收集到数组中。
exports.Param = class Param extends Base
constructor: (@name, @value, @splat) ->
message = isUnassignable @name.unwrapAll().value
@name.error message if message
if @name instanceof Obj and @name.generated
token = @name.objects[0].operatorToken
token.error "unexpected #{token.value}"
children: ['name', 'value']
compileToFragments: (o) ->
@name.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
asReference: (o) ->
return @reference if @reference
node = @name
if node.this
name =[0].name.value
name = "_#{name}" if name in JS_FORBIDDEN
node = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable name
else if node.isComplex()
node = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'arg'
node = new Value node
node = new Splat node if @splat
node.updateLocationDataIfMissing @locationData
@reference = node
isComplex: ->
迭代 Param
的名称或名称。从某种意义上说,解构参数表示多个 JS 参数。此方法允许迭代所有参数。iterator
函数将被调用为 iterator(name, node)
,其中 name
是与该名称对应的 AST 节点。
eachName: (iterator, name = @name)->
atParam = (obj) -> iterator "@#{[0].name.value}", obj
return iterator name.value, name if name instanceof Literal
return atParam name if name instanceof Value
for obj in name.objects ? []
if obj instanceof Assign and not obj.context?
obj = obj.variable
if obj instanceof Assign
… 可能带有默认值
if obj.value instanceof Assign
obj = obj.value
@eachName iterator, obj.value.unwrap()
else if obj instanceof Splat
node =
iterator node.value, node
else if obj instanceof Value
if obj.isArray() or obj.isObject()
@eachName iterator, obj.base
else if obj.this
atParam obj
else iterator obj.base.value, obj.base
else if obj not instanceof Expansion
obj.error "illegal parameter #{obj.compile()}"
exports.Splat = class Splat extends Base
children: ['name']
isAssignable: YES
constructor: (name) ->
@name = if name.compile then name else new Literal name
assigns: (name) ->
@name.assigns name
compileToFragments: (o) ->
@name.compileToFragments o
unwrap: -> @name
将任意数量的元素(与 splat 混合)转换为适当数组的实用程序函数。
@compileSplattedArray: (o, list, apply) ->
index = -1
continue while (node = list[++index]) and node not instanceof Splat
return [] if index >= list.length
if list.length is 1
node = list[0]
fragments = node.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
return fragments if apply
return [].concat node.makeCode("#{ utility 'slice', o }.call("), fragments, node.makeCode(")")
args = list[index..]
for node, i in args
compiledNode = node.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
args[i] = if node instanceof Splat
then [].concat node.makeCode("#{ utility 'slice', o }.call("), compiledNode, node.makeCode(")")
else [].concat node.makeCode("["), compiledNode, node.makeCode("]")
if index is 0
node = list[0]
concatPart = (node.joinFragmentArrays args[1..], ', ')
return args[0].concat node.makeCode(".concat("), concatPart, node.makeCode(")")
base = (node.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST for node in list[...index])
base = list[0].joinFragmentArrays base, ', '
concatPart = list[index].joinFragmentArrays args, ', '
[..., last] = list
[].concat list[0].makeCode("["), base, list[index].makeCode("].concat("), concatPart, last.makeCode(")")
exports.Expansion = class Expansion extends Base
isComplex: NO
compileNode: (o) ->
@error 'Expansion must be used inside a destructuring assignment or parameter list'
asReference: (o) ->
eachName: (iterator) ->
While 循环,CoffeeScript 公开的唯一一种低级循环。从它可以制造出所有其他循环。在您需要比推导式提供更多灵活性或速度的情况下很有用。
exports.While = class While extends Base
constructor: (condition, options) ->
@condition = if options?.invert then condition.invert() else condition
@guard = options?.guard
children: ['condition', 'guard', 'body']
isStatement: YES
makeReturn: (res) ->
if res
@returns = not @jumps loop: yes
addBody: (@body) ->
jumps: ->
{expressions} = @body
return no unless expressions.length
for node in expressions
return jumpNode if jumpNode = node.jumps loop: yes
与 JavaScript while 的主要区别在于,CoffeeScript while 可以用作较大表达式的一部分 - while 循环可以返回一个数组,其中包含每次迭代的计算结果。
compileNode: (o) ->
o.indent += TAB
set = ''
{body} = this
if body.isEmpty()
body = @makeCode ''
if @returns
body.makeReturn rvar = o.scope.freeVariable 'results'
set = "#{@tab}#{rvar} = [];\n"
if @guard
if body.expressions.length > 1
body.expressions.unshift new If (new Parens @guard).invert(), new StatementLiteral "continue"
body = Block.wrap [new If @guard, body] if @guard
body = [].concat @makeCode("\n"), (body.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP), @makeCode("\n#{@tab}")
answer = [].concat @makeCode(set + @tab + "while ("), @condition.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN),
@makeCode(") {"), body, @makeCode("}")
if @returns
answer.push @makeCode "\n#{@tab}return #{rvar};"
简单的算术和逻辑运算。执行一些从 CoffeeScript 运算转换为其 JavaScript 等效项的转换。
exports.Op = class Op extends Base
constructor: (op, first, second, flip ) ->
return new In first, second if op is 'in'
if op is 'do'
return @generateDo first
if op is 'new'
return first.newInstance() if first instanceof Call and not and not first.isNew
first = new Parens first if first instanceof Code and first.bound or
@operator = CONVERSIONS[op] or op
@first = first
@second = second
@flip = !!flip
return this
从 CoffeeScript 到 JavaScript 符号的转换映射。
'==': '==='
'!=': '!=='
'of': 'in'
'yieldfrom': 'yield*'
'!==': '==='
'===': '!=='
children: ['first', 'second']
isNumber: ->
@isUnary() and @operator in ['+', '-'] and
@first instanceof Value and @first.isNumber()
isYield: ->
@operator in ['yield', 'yield*']
isUnary: ->
not @second
isComplex: ->
not @isNumber()
我是否能够进行Python 风格的比较链?
isChainable: ->
@operator in ['<', '>', '>=', '<=', '===', '!==']
invert: ->
if @isChainable() and @first.isChainable()
allInvertable = yes
curr = this
while curr and curr.operator
allInvertable and= (curr.operator of INVERSIONS)
curr = curr.first
return new Parens(this).invert() unless allInvertable
curr = this
while curr and curr.operator
curr.invert = !curr.invert
curr.operator = INVERSIONS[curr.operator]
curr = curr.first
else if op = INVERSIONS[@operator]
@operator = op
if @first.unwrap() instanceof Op
else if @second
new Parens(this).invert()
else if @operator is '!' and (fst = @first.unwrap()) instanceof Op and
fst.operator in ['!', 'in', 'instanceof']
new Op '!', this
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
@operator in ['++', '--', 'delete'] and unfoldSoak o, this, 'first'
generateDo: (exp) ->
passedParams = []
func = if exp instanceof Assign and (ref = exp.value.unwrap()) instanceof Code
for param in func.params or []
if param.value
passedParams.push param.value
delete param.value
passedParams.push param
call = new Call exp, passedParams = yes
compileNode: (o) ->
isChain = @isChainable() and @first.isChainable()
在链中,不需要将裸 obj 字面量包装在括号中,因为链式表达式被包装了。
@first.front = @front unless isChain
if @operator is 'delete' and o.scope.check(@first.unwrapAll().value)
@error 'delete operand may not be argument or var'
if @operator in ['--', '++']
message = isUnassignable @first.unwrapAll().value
@first.error message if message
return @compileYield o if @isYield()
return @compileUnary o if @isUnary()
return @compileChain o if isChain
switch @operator
when '?' then @compileExistence o
when '**' then @compilePower o
when '//' then @compileFloorDivision o
when '%%' then @compileModulo o
lhs = @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
rhs = @second.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
answer = [].concat lhs, @makeCode(" #{@operator} "), rhs
if o.level <= LEVEL_OP then answer else @wrapInBraces answer
compileChain: (o) ->
[@first.second, shared] = @first.second.cache o
fst = @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
fragments = fst.concat @makeCode(" #{if @invert then '&&' else '||'} "),
(shared.compileToFragments o), @makeCode(" #{@operator} "), (@second.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP)
@wrapInBraces fragments
compileExistence: (o) ->
if @first.isComplex()
ref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
fst = new Parens new Assign ref, @first
fst = @first
ref = fst
new If(new Existence(fst), ref, type: 'if').addElse(@second).compileToFragments o
compileUnary: (o) ->
parts = []
op = @operator
parts.push [@makeCode op]
if op is '!' and @first instanceof Existence
@first.negated = not @first.negated
return @first.compileToFragments o
if o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS
return (new Parens this).compileToFragments o
plusMinus = op in ['+', '-']
parts.push [@makeCode(' ')] if op in ['new', 'typeof', 'delete'] or
plusMinus and @first instanceof Op and @first.operator is op
if (plusMinus and @first instanceof Op) or (op is 'new' and @first.isStatement o)
@first = new Parens @first
parts.push @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
parts.reverse() if @flip
@joinFragmentArrays parts, ''
compileYield: (o) ->
parts = []
op = @operator
unless o.scope.parent?
@error 'yield can only occur inside functions'
if 'expression' in Object.keys(@first) and not (@first instanceof Throw)
parts.push @first.expression.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP if @first.expression?
parts.push [@makeCode "("] if o.level >= LEVEL_PAREN
parts.push [@makeCode op]
parts.push [@makeCode " "] if @first.base?.value isnt ''
parts.push @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
parts.push [@makeCode ")"] if o.level >= LEVEL_PAREN
@joinFragmentArrays parts, ''
compilePower: (o) ->
进行 Math.pow 调用
pow = new Value new IdentifierLiteral('Math'), [new Access new PropertyName 'pow']
new Call(pow, [@first, @second]).compileToFragments o
compileFloorDivision: (o) ->
floor = new Value new IdentifierLiteral('Math'), [new Access new PropertyName 'floor']
second = if @second.isComplex() then new Parens @second else @second
div = new Op '/', @first, second
new Call(floor, [div]).compileToFragments o
compileModulo: (o) ->
mod = new Value new Literal utility 'modulo', o
new Call(mod, [@first, @second]).compileToFragments o
toString: (idt) ->
super idt, + ' ' + @operator
exports.In = class In extends Base
constructor: (@object, @array) ->
children: ['object', 'array']
invert: NEGATE
compileNode: (o) ->
if @array instanceof Value and @array.isArray() and @array.base.objects.length
for obj in @array.base.objects when obj instanceof Splat
hasSplat = yes
仅当我们有一个没有 splat 的数组字面量时
return @compileOrTest o unless hasSplat
@compileLoopTest o
compileOrTest: (o) ->
[sub, ref] = @object.cache o, LEVEL_OP
[cmp, cnj] = if @negated then [' !== ', ' && '] else [' === ', ' || ']
tests = []
for item, i in @array.base.objects
if i then tests.push @makeCode cnj
tests = tests.concat (if i then ref else sub), @makeCode(cmp), item.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS)
if o.level < LEVEL_OP then tests else @wrapInBraces tests
compileLoopTest: (o) ->
[sub, ref] = @object.cache o, LEVEL_LIST
fragments = [].concat @makeCode(utility('indexOf', o) + ".call("), @array.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST),
@makeCode(", "), ref, @makeCode(") " + if @negated then '< 0' else '>= 0')
return fragments if fragmentsToText(sub) is fragmentsToText(ref)
fragments = sub.concat @makeCode(', '), fragments
if o.level < LEVEL_LIST then fragments else @wrapInBraces fragments
toString: (idt) ->
super idt, + if @negated then '!' else ''
经典的try/catch/finally 块。
exports.Try = class Try extends Base
constructor: (@attempt, @errorVariable, @recovery, @ensure) ->
children: ['attempt', 'recovery', 'ensure']
isStatement: YES
jumps: (o) -> @attempt.jumps(o) or @recovery?.jumps(o)
makeReturn: (res) ->
@attempt = @attempt .makeReturn res if @attempt
@recovery = @recovery.makeReturn res if @recovery
编译或多或少与您的预期一致 - finally 子句是可选的,catch 不是。
compileNode: (o) ->
o.indent += TAB
tryPart = @attempt.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
catchPart = if @recovery
generatedErrorVariableName = o.scope.freeVariable 'error', reserve: no
placeholder = new IdentifierLiteral generatedErrorVariableName
if @errorVariable
message = isUnassignable @errorVariable.unwrapAll().value
@errorVariable.error message if message
@recovery.unshift new Assign @errorVariable, placeholder
[].concat @makeCode(" catch ("), placeholder.compileToFragments(o), @makeCode(") {\n"),
@recovery.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP), @makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")
else unless @ensure or @recovery
generatedErrorVariableName = o.scope.freeVariable 'error', reserve: no
[@makeCode(" catch (#{generatedErrorVariableName}) {}")]
ensurePart = if @ensure then ([].concat @makeCode(" finally {\n"), @ensure.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP),
@makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")) else []
[].concat @makeCode("#{@tab}try {\n"),
@makeCode("\n#{@tab}}"), catchPart, ensurePart
exports.Throw = class Throw extends Base
constructor: (@expression) ->
children: ['expression']
isStatement: YES
jumps: NO
**Throw** 本质上已经是一种返回,…
makeReturn: THIS
compileNode: (o) ->
[].concat @makeCode(@tab + "throw "), @expression.compileToFragments(o), @makeCode(";")
检查变量是否存在 - 不是null 且不是undefined。这类似于 Ruby 中的 .nil?
,并且避免了必须查阅 JavaScript 真值表。
exports.Existence = class Existence extends Base
constructor: (@expression) ->
children: ['expression']
invert: NEGATE
compileNode: (o) ->
@expression.front = @front
code = @expression.compile o, LEVEL_OP
if @expression.unwrap() instanceof IdentifierLiteral and not o.scope.check code
[cmp, cnj] = if @negated then ['===', '||'] else ['!==', '&&']
code = "typeof #{code} #{cmp} \"undefined\" #{cnj} #{code} #{cmp} null"
code = "#{code} #{if @negated then '==' else '!='} null"
[@makeCode(if o.level <= LEVEL_COND then code else "(#{code})")]
exports.Parens = class Parens extends Base
constructor: (@body) ->
children: ['body']
unwrap : -> @body
isComplex : -> @body.isComplex()
compileNode: (o) ->
expr = @body.unwrap()
if expr instanceof Value and expr.isAtomic()
expr.front = @front
return expr.compileToFragments o
fragments = expr.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
bare = o.level < LEVEL_OP and (expr instanceof Op or expr instanceof Call or
(expr instanceof For and expr.returns)) and (o.level < LEVEL_COND or
fragments.length <= 3)
if bare then fragments else @wrapInBraces fragments
带有插值的字符串实际上只是 Parens
exports.StringWithInterpolations = class StringWithInterpolations extends Parens
在 CoffeeScript 2 中取消注释以下行,以允许所有插值字符串使用 ES2015 语法输出:unwrap: -> this
compileNode: (o) ->
此方法使用新的 ES2015 语法生成插值字符串,该语法通过使用标记的模板字面量来选择加入。如果此 StringWithInterpolations 不在标记的模板字面量中,则回退到 CoffeeScript 1.x 输出。(在 CoffeeScript 2 中删除此检查。)
unless o.inTaggedTemplateCall
return super
假设:expr 是 Value>StringLiteral 或 Op
expr = @body.unwrap()
elements = []
expr.traverseChildren no, (node) ->
if node instanceof StringLiteral
elements.push node
return yes
else if node instanceof Parens
elements.push node
return no
return yes
fragments = []
fragments.push @makeCode '`'
for element in elements
if element instanceof StringLiteral
value = element.value[1...-1]
模板字面量中的反引号和 ${
value = value.replace /(\\*)(`|\$\{)/g, (match, backslashes, toBeEscaped) ->
if backslashes.length % 2 is 0
fragments.push @makeCode value
fragments.push @makeCode '${'
fragments.push element.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN)...
fragments.push @makeCode '}'
fragments.push @makeCode '`'
CoffeeScript 对for 循环的替代是我们的数组和对象推导式,它们在这里编译成for 循环。它们也充当表达式,能够返回每次过滤迭代的结果。
与 Python 数组推导式不同,它们可以是多行的,并且您可以将循环的当前索引作为第二个参数传递。与 Ruby 块不同,您可以在一次传递中进行映射和过滤。
exports.For = class For extends While
constructor: (body, source) ->
{@source, @guard, @step, @name, @index} = source
@body = Block.wrap [body]
@own = !!source.own
@object = !!source.object
@from = !!source.from
@index.error 'cannot use index with for-from' if @from and @index
source.ownTag.error "cannot use own with for-#{if @from then 'from' else 'in'}" if @own and not @object
[@name, @index] = [@index, @name] if @object
@index.error 'index cannot be a pattern matching expression' if @index instanceof Value and not @index.isAssignable()
@range = @source instanceof Value and @source.base instanceof Range and not and not @from
@pattern = @name instanceof Value
@index.error 'indexes do not apply to range loops' if @range and @index
@name.error 'cannot pattern match over range loops' if @range and @pattern
@returns = false
children: ['body', 'source', 'guard', 'step']
欢迎来到 CoffeeScript 中最复杂的函数。处理数组、对象和范围推导式的内部循环、过滤、步进和结果保存。一些生成的代码可以共享,而另一些则不能。
compileNode: (o) ->
body = Block.wrap [@body]
[..., last] = body.expressions
@returns = no if last?.jumps() instanceof Return
source = if @range then @source.base else @source
scope = o.scope
name = @name and (@name.compile o, LEVEL_LIST) if not @pattern
index = @index and (@index.compile o, LEVEL_LIST)
scope.find(name) if name and not @pattern
scope.find(index) if index and @index not instanceof Value
rvar = scope.freeVariable 'results' if @returns
if @from
ivar = scope.freeVariable 'x', single: true if @pattern
ivar = (@object and index) or scope.freeVariable 'i', single: true
kvar = ((@range or @from) and name) or index or ivar
kvarAssign = if kvar isnt ivar then "#{kvar} = " else ""
if @step and not @range
[step, stepVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments @step.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, isComplexOrAssignable
stepNum = Number stepVar if @step.isNumber()
name = ivar if @pattern
varPart = ''
guardPart = ''
defPart = ''
idt1 = @tab + TAB
if @range
forPartFragments = source.compileToFragments merge o,
{index: ivar, name, @step, isComplex: isComplexOrAssignable}
svar = @source.compile o, LEVEL_LIST
if (name or @own) and @source.unwrap() not instanceof IdentifierLiteral
defPart += "#{@tab}#{ref = scope.freeVariable 'ref'} = #{svar};\n"
svar = ref
if name and not @pattern and not @from
namePart = "#{name} = #{svar}[#{kvar}]"
if not @object and not @from
defPart += "#{@tab}#{step};\n" if step isnt stepVar
down = stepNum < 0
lvar = scope.freeVariable 'len' unless @step and stepNum? and down
declare = "#{kvarAssign}#{ivar} = 0, #{lvar} = #{svar}.length"
declareDown = "#{kvarAssign}#{ivar} = #{svar}.length - 1"
compare = "#{ivar} < #{lvar}"
compareDown = "#{ivar} >= 0"
if @step
if stepNum?
if down
compare = compareDown
declare = declareDown
compare = "#{stepVar} > 0 ? #{compare} : #{compareDown}"
declare = "(#{stepVar} > 0 ? (#{declare}) : #{declareDown})"
increment = "#{ivar} += #{stepVar}"
increment = "#{if kvar isnt ivar then "++#{ivar}" else "#{ivar}++"}"
forPartFragments = [@makeCode("#{declare}; #{compare}; #{kvarAssign}#{increment}")]
if @returns
resultPart = "#{@tab}#{rvar} = [];\n"
returnResult = "\n#{@tab}return #{rvar};"
body.makeReturn rvar
if @guard
if body.expressions.length > 1
body.expressions.unshift new If (new Parens @guard).invert(), new StatementLiteral "continue"
body = Block.wrap [new If @guard, body] if @guard
if @pattern
body.expressions.unshift new Assign @name, if @from then new IdentifierLiteral kvar else new Literal "#{svar}[#{kvar}]"
defPartFragments = [].concat @makeCode(defPart), @pluckDirectCall(o, body)
varPart = "\n#{idt1}#{namePart};" if namePart
if @object
forPartFragments = [@makeCode("#{kvar} in #{svar}")]
guardPart = "\n#{idt1}if (!#{utility 'hasProp', o}.call(#{svar}, #{kvar})) continue;" if @own
else if @from
forPartFragments = [@makeCode("#{kvar} of #{svar}")]
bodyFragments = body.compileToFragments merge(o, indent: idt1), LEVEL_TOP
if bodyFragments and bodyFragments.length > 0
bodyFragments = [].concat @makeCode("\n"), bodyFragments, @makeCode("\n")
[].concat defPartFragments, @makeCode("#{resultPart or ''}#{@tab}for ("),
forPartFragments, @makeCode(") {#{guardPart}#{varPart}"), bodyFragments,
@makeCode("#{@tab}}#{returnResult or ''}")
pluckDirectCall: (o, body) ->
defs = []
for expr, idx in body.expressions
expr = expr.unwrapAll()
continue unless expr instanceof Call
val = expr.variable?.unwrapAll()
continue unless (val instanceof Code) or
(val instanceof Value and
val.base?.unwrapAll() instanceof Code and is 1 and[0].name?.value in ['call', 'apply'])
fn = val.base?.unwrapAll() or val
ref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'fn'
base = new Value ref
if val.base
[val.base, base] = [base, val]
body.expressions[idx] = new Call base, expr.args
defs = defs.concat @makeCode(@tab), (new Assign(ref, fn).compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP)), @makeCode(';\n')
JavaScript switch 语句。按需转换为可返回的表达式。
exports.Switch = class Switch extends Base
constructor: (@subject, @cases, @otherwise) ->
children: ['subject', 'cases', 'otherwise']
isStatement: YES
jumps: (o = {block: yes}) ->
for [conds, block] in @cases
return jumpNode if jumpNode = block.jumps o
@otherwise?.jumps o
makeReturn: (res) ->
pair[1].makeReturn res for pair in @cases
@otherwise or= new Block [new Literal 'void 0'] if res
@otherwise?.makeReturn res
compileNode: (o) ->
idt1 = o.indent + TAB
idt2 = o.indent = idt1 + TAB
fragments = [].concat @makeCode(@tab + "switch ("),
(if @subject then @subject.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN) else @makeCode "false"),
@makeCode(") {\n")
for [conditions, block], i in @cases
for cond in flatten [conditions]
cond = cond.invert() unless @subject
fragments = fragments.concat @makeCode(idt1 + "case "), cond.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN), @makeCode(":\n")
fragments = fragments.concat body, @makeCode('\n') if (body = block.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP).length > 0
break if i is @cases.length - 1 and not @otherwise
expr = @lastNonComment block.expressions
continue if expr instanceof Return or (expr instanceof Literal and expr.jumps() and expr.value isnt 'debugger')
fragments.push cond.makeCode(idt2 + 'break;\n')
if @otherwise and @otherwise.expressions.length
fragments.push @makeCode(idt1 + "default:\n"), (@otherwise.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP)..., @makeCode("\n")
fragments.push @makeCode @tab + '}'
exports.If = class If extends Base
constructor: (condition, @body, options = {}) ->
@condition = if options.type is 'unless' then condition.invert() else condition
@elseBody = null
@isChain = false
{@soak} = options
children: ['condition', 'body', 'elseBody']
bodyNode: -> @body?.unwrap()
elseBodyNode: -> @elseBody?.unwrap()
重写**Ifs** 链以添加一个默认情况作为最终的else。
addElse: (elseBody) ->
if @isChain
@elseBodyNode().addElse elseBody
@isChain = elseBody instanceof If
@elseBody = @ensureBlock elseBody
@elseBody.updateLocationDataIfMissing elseBody.locationData
**If** 仅在它的任何一个主体都需要成为语句时才编译成语句。否则,条件运算符是安全的。
isStatement: (o) ->
o?.level is LEVEL_TOP or
@bodyNode().isStatement(o) or @elseBodyNode()?.isStatement(o)
jumps: (o) -> @body.jumps(o) or @elseBody?.jumps(o)
compileNode: (o) ->
if @isStatement o then @compileStatement o else @compileExpression o
makeReturn: (res) ->
@elseBody or= new Block [new Literal 'void 0'] if res
@body and= new Block [@body.makeReturn res]
@elseBody and= new Block [@elseBody.makeReturn res]
ensureBlock: (node) ->
if node instanceof Block then node else new Block [node]
将 If
编译为常规的if-else 语句。扁平化的链将内部else 主体强制为语句形式。
compileStatement: (o) ->
child = del o, 'chainChild'
exeq = del o, 'isExistentialEquals'
if exeq
return new If(@condition.invert(), @elseBodyNode(), type: 'if').compileToFragments o
indent = o.indent + TAB
cond = @condition.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
body = @ensureBlock(@body).compileToFragments merge o, {indent}
ifPart = [].concat @makeCode("if ("), cond, @makeCode(") {\n"), body, @makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")
ifPart.unshift @makeCode @tab unless child
return ifPart unless @elseBody
answer = ifPart.concat @makeCode(' else ')
if @isChain
o.chainChild = yes
answer = answer.concat @elseBody.unwrap().compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
answer = answer.concat @makeCode("{\n"), @elseBody.compileToFragments(merge(o, {indent}), LEVEL_TOP), @makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")
将 If
compileExpression: (o) ->
cond = @condition.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_COND
body = @bodyNode().compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
alt = if @elseBodyNode() then @elseBodyNode().compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST) else [@makeCode('void 0')]
fragments = cond.concat @makeCode(" ? "), body, @makeCode(" : "), alt
if o.level >= LEVEL_COND then @wrapInBraces fragments else fragments
unfoldSoak: ->
@soak and this
正确设置继承的原型链,包括对 super()
extend: (o) -> "
function(child, parent) {
for (var key in parent) {
if (#{utility 'hasProp', o}.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key];
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child;
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child;
bind: -> '
function(fn, me){
return function(){
return fn.apply(me, arguments);
indexOf: -> "
[].indexOf || function(item) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i;
return -1;
modulo: -> """
function(a, b) { return (+a % (b = +b) + b) % b; }
hasProp: -> '{}.hasOwnProperty'
slice : -> '[].slice'
级别指示节点在 AST 中的位置。对于了解括号是否必要或多余很有用。
LEVEL_TOP = 1 # ...;
LEVEL_PAREN = 2 # (...)
LEVEL_LIST = 3 # [...]
LEVEL_COND = 4 # ... ? x : y
LEVEL_OP = 5 # !...
LEVEL_ACCESS = 6 # ...[0]
TAB = ' '
SIMPLENUM = /^[+-]?\d+$/
utility = (name, o) ->
{root} = o.scope
if name of root.utilities
ref = root.freeVariable name
root.assign ref, UTILITIES[name] o
root.utilities[name] = ref
multident = (code, tab) ->
code = code.replace /\n/g, '$&' + tab
code.replace /\s+$/, ''
isLiteralArguments = (node) ->
node instanceof IdentifierLiteral and node.value is 'arguments'
isLiteralThis = (node) ->
node instanceof ThisLiteral or
(node instanceof Code and node.bound) or
node instanceof SuperCall
isComplexOrAssignable = (node) -> node.isComplex() or node.isAssignable?()
如果浸泡,则展开节点的子节点,然后将节点塞入创建的 If
unfoldSoak = (o, parent, name) ->
return unless ifn = parent[name].unfoldSoak o
parent[name] = ifn.body
ifn.body = new Value parent